enrolment open only 5 spaces remain 29th September


enrolment open only 5 spaces remain 29th September 🎉

Would You Like to Circulate More Power and Peace Through Your Being?

Feel more power and peace each day whilst leaving behind blocks and wounds for good! Inside of Spiritual MOT you will clean out conditioned perspectives and firmly anchor back into your innate power.

This is far more than a programme; it’s a movement for women waking to the Spiritual Matrix—an inverted reality keeping you stuck in an endless cycle, pulling you further into the past and away from where life truly becomes magical: the present!


🎬 Despite regular visualising, intention setting, and meditations, you stall, procrastinate, or are inconsistent with the actions needed to bring your vision to life.

❤️‍🔥 You experience flickers of belief in your wildest dreams. There’s something inside you saying, "Don’t give up."

💭 Your intuition is often proven right in hindsight. You’re ready to stop doubting your own inner voice.

⚠️ There always seems to be another "wound" or "block" to handle before you can focus on your dream.

🧩 You’ve focused on being in flow, receptivity, surrender, and belief. Now, you see that bringing your dream to life also requires a new relationship with responsibility and action.

🧠 You’re often trying to validate yourself as worthy of your dreams, instead of using that energy to create them.

Doors close September 28th, so book now to avoid missing out!


Who is this for?

The women who can feel they are on the edge of expansion!

  • You are navigating unexpected life changes: love/work/health waking you up to unsupportive patterns

  • You are ready to own the magnificence of being you! No more showing up to life playing roles/people pleasing/playing small or pretending you aren’t the wild ambitious, playful & bold soul that you are!

  • You believe there is a simple and powerful solution, the idea you have to meditate for hours on end just to crack on with the day doesn’t sit quite right

Doors close September 28th, so book now to avoid missing out!


  • Behaviour & Belief change coaching

    You receive 6x group coaching calls, not only growing from your personal relationship with the MOT material, but also benefiting from the reflections of your fellow cohort & the coaching you get to witness them receive! Daily support & celebration is also available within our private WhatsApp group.

  • body mapping calls

    Manifesting is a body based experience. You can only go where your body is willing to take you. These 4x body mapping sessions will expand self-trust & what your nervous system perceives as safe, allowing bolder action taking.

  • Educational

    Understand the root causes of your self-sabotage patterns, allowing you to move from judgment into new, empowered responses. Experience a grounded vision mapping session backed by proven methodology to rewire your brain, ensuring lasting change beyond our time together.

  • On demand hub

    Gain lifetime access to an exclusive hub of on-demand EFT, Yoga, and Meditation practices. This includes all future programme uploads, ensuring these valuable resources are always available whenever you need to tap into them.

does this sound like you? ⤵️

✅ You’re stuck in cycles of inspiration, ideas, and intentions. But then doubt kicks in, leading to procrastination, stalled actions, and a loss of clarity. You find yourself waiting for the next hit of inspiration to reconnect with your vision.

✅ You lack self-trust because past experiences show you don’t follow through on your dreams. The evidence so far suggests you struggle to turn intentions into reality.

✅ Despite attending countless healing events, reading Joe Dispenza's books, and listening to podcasts about success and the Law of Attraction, you still focus more on problems rather than solutions.

✅ You crave simple, effective tools that make a big impact, so you can spend less time healing and more time actually enjoying your life!

✅ You value authenticity, freedom, and fulfillment. It’s time to stop suppressing your true self and stalling on your dreams.

⤴️ If those describe you an MOT is the perfect solution ⤵️

Kate here 🙃❤️‍🔥🪩

⚡️I support soul-led folks bring their dream to life. You exit the endless healing matrix & get simple yet profound tools that will transform you life…now!

⚡️I don’t prescribe to this being hard, complex or time consuming & the feedback reflects this. Gentle yet deep, profound yet playful, simple is powerful.

⚡️ If you’re tired of hearing “claim it,” “decide to receive,” or “surrender fully” and crave practical tools for real success, we’re a perfect match!

If you want to truly understand how to become magnetic to your desires, let’s work together!

⚡️Fuss-free and fun-filled is my vibe.

❤️‍🔥 You deserve to be part of Spiritual MOT & experience your creative potential manifest. Step through...

👋🏽 New here? Book a complimentary connection call below to see if we’re a fit!

  • Laura, Intelligence analyst

    Kate’s coaching style called to me so I signed up to see if it could change the way I felt about myself and my life. It’s been such an uplifting experience. Kate’s style is very gentle and encouraging whilst also making sure you do the ‘work’. She helps give you new perspectives and tools to stop the self-sabotage.

    It really has been a transformational couple of months for me. I feel so much happier in my own skin and it has made me feel excited for the future again so, if you are feeling like you have lost yourself, speak to Kate. She is the coach to help you find her again!




  • LINDA, Pilates studio owner

    Kate's coaching style is intuitive, warm, heartfelt, she makes you feel safe. I feel motivated, uplifted and excited. I'm developing new passions and sparking my creativity in new ways. I'm saying yes to fun and adventure. The realisation that the quality of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts and my emotions. I get to choose how I show up each day, taking responsibility for my day. I feel like I'm claiming a whole new level of joy and peace, fun, creativity and lightness in my life. Through the work that we did together I'm now able to say no to things that don't bring me joy and peace. It's reawakened a strong sense discernment and inner strength which I'm truly so grateful for.

  • Madiha, Director

    After an eye opening private astrology reading, I signed up to Kate’s 3 month Spiritual Alignment coaching. I was hoping to gain confidence and clarity on the next steps in my personal and professional journey and Kate has definitely delivered on this.

    I feel calmer, more confident and more assured in the decisions I make. I communicate with confidence and initiate difficult conversations, which I would not have done a few months ago.

    Kate is an attentive coach, she picks up details in the conversation and is able to join the dots to create the bigger picture. Most importantly, she realises that all aspects of my life are connected and must be considered as a whole.

    I would highly recommend Kate as a coach and mentor to anyone who is still unsure.





🎉 Receive a bonus 1-1 Astrology session worth £285 when you pay in full!

🤩 Prefer flexibility? Choose the extended plan from £320pm!

  • For those who opt to pay in full you receive a Being You asroly reing valued at £285! This will supercharge the work we do within Spiritual MOT as you lean about your soul’s karmic patern & soulgned destiny.

  • Your investment covers:

    X6 group coaching calls

    x4 body mapping calls

    Lifetime access to the on demand hub

    Replay’s of live calls

    Private WhatsApp group

  • Our opening call is 29th September 10-11am (UK). All subsequent calls will alternate between Wednesday 6:30pm + Sunday 10am.

    Whilst it may not always be possible to be live, acknowledge your choice to invest in your growth & show up for that!

  • There will be integration tasks. My priority as your coach is to facilitate an environment for your desired growth. This includes ensuring you are motivated to complete tasks, not overwhelmed by them. Integration will be no longer than 30min of your time, and your free will to complete…you get out what you put in!

  • This is non-refundable. When it comes to any investment you must be committed & take full responsibility for your choices. Note that if you select a payment plan the payment will automatically be taken on the same date each month (unless otherwise arranged).

  • Amy, Marketing Manager

    I feel more settled in myself, clear about my values, more confident & lighter overall! I joined Activate your Magic which was a group programme Kate ran with 6 other women. The experience made me realise how much I let external factors influence my life choices, and how I felt about myself. Kate was a really nurturing yet powerful guide, I feel different in all areas of my life now! The group of women were amazing to go through the experience with, everyone was so kind and supportive. As a result I prioritise myself, love who I am and am excited about life.

👋🏽 Kate here,

You’ve reached the end of the page, which means your soul is saying "yes," but your ego is nervous. Let's pause for a moment.

Here’s a reminder for you:

The ego is concerned with survival, keeping life as it is. Your soul seeks evolution, seeking out new experiences so you live your fullest potential.

You’re here because you feel a deep calling. There’s a dream in your heart that doesn’t feel good to keep sidelining…

To receive the reality you dream about, you need to leave your current one. This requires evolving your thoughts & actions.

New outcomes require new actions.

Hoping for change without taking opportunities won't work. Beating yourself up isn't the answer—accountability & support are.

Place your hands over your heart & close your eyes. Ask yourself: Do I really want this, or do I just like the idea of it?

They are two very different things. Wanting requires nothing. Experiencing requires action.

If you’re committed to experiencing your dreams...

Spiritual MOT is your next step.

Spaces are limited.